Christmas Eve at Parker

Dec 24 at 7 pm

Information for our Christmas Eve Services

Join us on Sunday, December 24th at 7 pm as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Christmas Eve service will include a Christmas Cantata & Pageant by our Children. This will be a mellow, reflective time of praise and adoration of the Son of God featuring candlelight, music, and Holy Communion.

Questions & Answers:
I am especially looking for a family-friendly Christmas Eve worship experience. Will this service be family-friendly?
Yes. Our worship music and service is especially designed for families with young children. We will also provide interactive activities available for children to play with at any time during the service.

Will there be Holy Communion at service?
Holy Communion will be offered on December 24 at 7 pm. As United Methodists, we believe the table is open to all who want to receive God’s grace through this meal. You do not need to be a part of Parker Church or any church to receive. If you are not comfortable receiving Holy Communion, you can also come forward for a special time of blessing and/or prayer.

Will there be candle lighting at each service?
We will have candle lighting at the December 24th at 7 pm service. Battery operated candles will be available for young children.

Will Nursery Care be provided?
Nursery care will NOT be provided. However a parents room is adjacent to the sanctuary where you can still see and hear the worship service.

Candle Light Service

Christmas Eve - December 24 at 7 pm